Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

I will be uploading game development test footage to my Youtube channel. You can see some footage of a test of my Epic Games Megajam 2021 submission on 2 different Android devices, and other videos, here: https://t.co/c6QzfSa4HT

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Friday, September 3, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Playing on the original Apex Legends maps. They're the best maps. Fight me. https://t.co/eidku6Ea0r

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Overwatch cross play on a switch- watch me play mediocre, live in a few minutes. https://t.co/1oGlqaWXKt https://t.co/cSLg96Oyy2

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Friday, June 25, 2021

...Youtube and google photos, and a lot of the other storage was historic backups, and also backed up on a portable and remote network drive. Still, I'm sure I lost some data that I can't recover (such as old download installers). Reminder to back up your data multiple times!

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

I was looking on a WD MyBookLive backup drive tonight (after not doing much with it for weeks). Turns out today some exploit attack occurred and all user data was deleted. I had about 600 GB-1 TB data backed up. Luckily, a lot of it was photos and videos, also backed up on...

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Monday, June 21, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Easy way to stop scalpers from using bots to mark up prices for new computer hardware: captcha. There is no captcha when it comes to listing items on online shops, or purchasing them. If I bothered I could create my own scriptthat auto buys anything I want. It could be different.

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Sunday, February 21, 2021

I've been playing Flight Simulator. Attempted to fly from Washington DC to Chicago O'Hare in a 747 as Air Force One. Chicago ATC was as delayed as O'Hare is delayed. Didn't successfully land. Here's some screenshots https://t.co/CchZ17DJbT

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Don't feel like you're useless without the latest and most expensive in technology. (Also, Twitter, why limit tweet character count if you have an add button so I can reply to myself before actually tweeting?)

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

I would like to point out, this can often be the case for big projects, but that doesn't mean you need more than 16 GB RAM to make games. Although I would recommend getting more, I can run UE4 easily on my laptop, making a simpler game with starter assets...

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Making games in #UE4 no joke. Most people have 16 GB RAM? Well, first time (re)opening Amazeing (still working on btw) after reinstalling Windows easily uses up more than 16 GB. Windows page file (virtual memory on disk) is twice as much RAM I have now, 64 GB vs. 32 https://t.co/LtpyvNm8oh

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton

Friday, February 5, 2021

Happy Friday, my PC just decided to not work today, for no reason. Been fixing it all day. Also, it's Saturday night/morning now, what am I doing

from Twitter : https://twitter.com/QuantumQuanton