Tuesday, October 8, 2019

It's official- Amazeing demo to be released publicly next week on 10/16/2019!

Download the aMAZEing demo of the game once it's released on itch.io! And be sure to stay tuned here for updates regarding development on the full version of the game, planned to be released in 2020!

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Updating, when to and not to do it

Learn about what I think are the best and worst updating practices for all types of software.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Razer Synapse, the best peripheral lighting software

What makes Razer's lighting software so good?

New content

I would like to start using this blog, as well as my Blogger site, for some interesting stuff to read.

This website has been kind of stale recently, and I'd kind of like to turn that around. So, I would like to start writing casually about any technology topic- I can share my thoughts, and I will share my posts on social media. You can ask me a question or start a conversation by messing me via Discord, or send me an email. I can give you another point of view, and if you want, share the discussion elsewhere.

So yeah I hope you can enjoy these new blog posts!!!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Check out my new video!

Once I livestreamed the Google Chrome dinosaur game...

And this happened...


So anyways windows decided to yeet 500 GB of video files out of existence a few days ago... Most of it was ShadowPlay footage already uploaded to my alt channel (Quantum Quantonium) but my project files were victim. Nothing important, because I've been busy/lazy with editing, and my PC's processor can't handle the POWER of the dark side EA livestreaming, so I haven't been doing too much lately with that, plus other stuff, like, you know, finding an actual job, but also I'm making a cool new video game in UE4 so stay tuned :smiley:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

New content!

Check it out on https://ift.tt/2NwGhVL

New content!

Check it out on https://ift.tt/2NwGhVL

New content!

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New content!

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New content!

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New content!

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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New video! A cat will kill it's prey based on movement, but may not necessarily recognize that prey as food. Re


New video! A cat will kill it's prey based on movement, but may not necessarily recognize that prey as food. Re


New content!

Check it out on http://bit.ly/2BzyBhd

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